A Python Line is Worth 6 JS Lines

here it is: An edLeak Python client is now available. It has all features of the html client (and even more), but required 6 times less lines of code. Why a Python Client ? Until now, the edLeak client was written in Html/Js. This choice was...

Redirecting OakBits website to the blog

Hello everybody, Since the only active project on OakBits is now EdKit and it is far from an official release date, the web site redirects to this blog. I will publish a new version of the web site once EdKit is complete enough to publish a first...

One time for the leakers, double up for the callers

EdLeak tracks only one level of callers on the allocation functions that are monitored. This allows to limit as much as possible the monitoring overhead. However sometimes this is not enough to easily find the origin of the memory leak. This is...

LD_PRELOAD for real world heap access tracking

A lot of documentation is available to explain how to use LD_PRELOAD, how to hook malloc and several basic usages of this feature. However they all fail to explain that hooking memory allocations is not that simple. I will try to list here all...

Folstein news: updates and public repository available

A public repository for Folstein is now available on GitHub. The repository already contains the upcoming 1.1.0 release (unless some fixes are pushed the coming days). This release should have been a maintenance release to align the code with the...

WebOS profile setup via wifi

Configuring the WebOS profile through wifi is a little bit tricky since the first-launch application does not allow to configure wifi before creating the profile. Here are the few steps needed to do this. Enable developer mode if the device was...

Data visualization applied to memory leak detection

The first edKit post explained  how to run edleak. Now you have slices that where dumped for 8 hours and you want to know if there is any memory leak. This task is done by the most efficient tool for visual analysis: Your eye. So as you probably...

edKit, the embedded debugging Kit

edKit development has just started. edKit is a set of tools to help debugging software. It is especially dedicated to embedded environment where big tools such as valgrind are not applicable or simply not available. The two main objectives of...

Blog is open

The OakBits technical talks bog is open. This place will be a way for me to inform more regularly on the different projects I am working on.