Using a MacBook Pro for desktop usage and development

8 months have now passed since I bought a macbook pro. While this switch was considered as silly by some fellows, it has proven to be a good choice, even for linux embedded development. If you also consider such a move from Linux to MacOs X, this...

Measuring Mobile Network Latency - A First Attempt

I have been using the mobile application of my smart home system for several months, and the latency fear has come true : Connecting to the XMPP server from a mobile network can be very slow. Here is a first attempt to understand why, and how...

Flock now supports Somfy RTS

I recently added an initial support of the Somfy RTS protocol in Flock. Thanks to the rfxcom RFXtrx433e device, this was quite easy. For now only pairing a device and open/close commands are supported. This means that you can now control your...

A Flock Of Things

On the last post, I introduced my new home automation project and the reasons why I started it. This article provides more details on the software running on the concentrator that controls the devices present in the home. As a reminder, here is...

Starting a new project

This blog and my github account have been calm for the last months. This was not because I stopped developing but because I started a new project not published yet: I am currently working on a home automation system (better known as smart home...

GStreamer Conference 2013, Material is online

The slides of my presentation at GStreamer Conference 2013 are available here. If you are interested in it, I strongly suggest that you watch the video online so that you get the full explanations on our player design. The videos of all talks are...

GStreamer Conference 2013

The GStreamer Conference is next week at Edinburgh. I will be there, presenting the media player we develop at SoftAtHome. If you are attending it or one of the co-hosted conference, do not miss this talk! Our player is very modular, not only...

The Leak Factor

EdLeak visualization tools greatly help to find memory leaks. However they still require a manual analysis so that the culprits are discovered. Let's see how memory leaks may be found automatically. Automating memory leak detection The idea of an...